- Most of the parks that we work with use Datacap brand credit card modems. These little black boxes take care of all of your credit card transactions. They will sometimes go down due to network bumps or power outages and you may need to do a power cycle on them. Part of that sequence is unplugging the power from the back of the modem. Be very careful taking the power connector out! These ports are not super strong so don't rip at them. Gently pull it out and you won't ever have to have us repair the port for you.
- Speaking of credit cards, many of our systems use a magnetic card swipe to read the payment information. On the EliXR Duo model, there is a trick to making the reader work every time. To make sure that it is sliding uniformly through the entire swipe, hold the credit card with your thumb and middle finger and place your index finger at the top edge of the card to keep it steady. Push a little with your index finger and slide it through. This should read the card 99% of the time.
- Sometimes the thermal receipt printer will not want to print correctly. Doing a system reset on it will fix it most of the time. Turn off the printer with the switch on it, hold down the feed button and then turn it back on. A receipt will print. Let go of the feed button and then press it again and a longer receipt will print. This should kick the printer back to the way it should be.
- If you have a touchscreen, it is possible that the calibration will become a little skewed. If you start noticing that buttons aren't pressing when you want them to or you need to press extra hard for it to register, this may be your problem. To fix it, go to service mode, type in 999 decimal enter, then follow the instructions to touch each of the "plus signs" when they appear. This will re-calibrate your screen and bring it back to normal.
Once you start working with these registers every day, you will pick up a lot of little tricks that help you out. As always, if you have a problem that you can't fix, call us and we will walk you through how to repair the equipment.